Sunday, February 16, 2014

Mount Nokogiri, Hama-kanaya

Mount Nokogiri is located in Hama-Kanaya which is about 40 minutes away from Kisarazu, Chiba. It's a popular place to go hiking among Japanese locals. Japanese people especially elder men and women go togehter in groups. They usually go on Sataurday mornings which makes trains crowded. I don't know why but they are probably belong to some elder organization. It is fun to watch them cramming on the train and also climb the mountain togather. 

To get to the mountain faster, you can either get on the cable car or simply climb it after all that's what mountain climbing is for. LOL. But I was right going on the cable car for 500 yen because the whole course of the mountain is huge  I was already struggling on the quarter half of the climb. Maybe I wasn't that fit. Sigh...

These rice cakes are too tempting not to have a taste. It has different kinds of flavors. The pink ones being the Sakura or Cherry blossoms, the purple ones are yam and the white ones are the normal ones. stuck around the fire to keep it warm. For those rice cakes lovers, these are some tasty delight found at the cable car station for 500 yen.

This is the first look-out I went to. The view from the point is amazing. From here you can the view of Tateyama and nearby cities. Coming up here early in the morning or in the afternoon to see the sunset would be really fantastic. I was not that blessed to see the sun that day but the view was still quite astonishing. 

They somehow put a hole in the middle of a huge mountain to have this round room for this huge Buddha is engraved on the stones. It's serene and a perfect place to meditate and talk to the Gods.I wonder how long did it take for them to dig this entire hole out?

The up to the other lookout I climb. There plenty of climbers. I noticed one lady on her high heeled shoes? How come? I guess it's none of my business. But seriously? But anyways, can see How high that mountain is and how high they dug that hole up?

Here's another lookout. It's kind of scary. People take turns going right to the tip for a snap. Only one or two persons are allowed as it might cause that rock to crack up. The thought of that, oh boy, I'm a pretty brave woman but this height really makes me shiver. But you gotta ignore that weak side of yours specially when you're in front of this God given nature. I could spend all day here.

Good Lord, how beautiful this sight is. If you are going to propose to your girlfriend or to your boyfriend (why not) this is so much a romantic place. Don't let your GF climb with her stilettos though. That might cause you carrying  her up through the steep stairs. Ah Mother Nature, you're so beautiful, it's so sad lots people doesn't see your importance at all.

It was time for me to head down and get on walking. Along the trail are plenty of Buddha statue. Some are very interesting I wish I could read Japanese so I'll know who they are.

Along the trail are also trees, almost untouched by human hand.

Both these two ladies in the picture was wondering what I was doing in the ravine. oppss..They didn't know I wanted to take someone a phone. This is the problem when roaming around alone! I think I should write about going around alone too. Sigh... I believe that would be sad. But hey, let's go back to what I'm talking about. This mountain. Yes, this mountain is absolutely fantastic and I wasn't surprised to see other foreigners around. it goes to show that this beautiful mountain is popular. I had one of them to take a good picture of me.

This a huge Buddha. Really huge one. Of course people do their rituals, just like any other religions there is. I am a Catholic but to be honest I also pray on them. I believe that there is God and whatever or to whomever we offer our prayers to, it only goes to the same God. hmmm Let's see, we're not really talking about religion here, are we?

If there are big Buddhas, they're are also small ones. And they're many they're so cute to look at scattered around in a shrine. I believe these little Buddhas can be purchased at the shop to honor the Gods. But whatever they truly means, they're certainly beautiful to look at.

Here's another look of a Japanese temple. They're basically everywhere and they always amaze me. they're always of the same design and looks. I Japan has the most Shrine and temples in the world. Well maybe I'm wrong, but believe me, they're everywhere even in the busiest area in the middle of the city.

This little pond here is way in the corner of the mountain. This place is not so popular among the hikers. I could tell that this little haven have not been visited by many visitors. It was already dusk and with the untrimmed trees and ravines and the dark water of the pond was kind of creepy. So I head back to the trail then I came up to another shrine and a gate! The gate is near to the next station called Hota. Oh boy, I walked too far! Heading back to where I took the cable car, it was a climb, a really good and hard climb. When I ask the guy at the gate if it was the right one, he gave me a can of warm coffee! That was unusual. I think he just rarely speak to a foreigner haha. that's why. Over all, my trip was nice. I had a great time and a very good exercise!


Kurakuen-guchi is a little town found in Nishinomiya City, Hyogo, Prefecture. This is where I lived for 6 months. This is also the first place I've livedin Japan. The first thing I liked about Japan is its cleanliness. Proper garbage disposal makes the whole Japan looks immaculately clean. Some five minutes walk from my house is the Hankyu Kurakuen-guchi Train Station. This station goes along the lengthy river called Shukugawa. Gawa means river in Japanese.

 Across the station are various elegant and expensive shop and restaurants lying along the street. One day I walked around the place and was checking shop by shop and found out that they sell such an expensive and signature brands of clothes, bags, shoes etc. Even the supermarket are quite expensive. I can tell that people who lives around this area are rich where everybody drives the most expensive cars in the world you can ever imagine. This place is such a beauty. A perfect place to live. A perfect place for the family especially raising children. It's very clean, organized and so peaceful. I could go out in the middle of the night without worrying that someone might rob me or hit me. One downside is that there's not much job opportunity in this town. Most people who lives around this area works outside this town like Osaka or Kobe If you love night outs, then this place is not for you. I see only one Irish pub just a minute away from the train station.

 This is the park where I usually hangout. Usually I go to the very close supermarket called Co.op to buy lunch and have it at this park overlooking the pond where kids catches shrimp and fish. Around this park is the playing ground.. Real place for outdoor activities which is good for the family.

Japan has so many temples where they can pray and give offering to their God. There is a high estimate of Buddhist and Shintoist believers in Japan. They are very religious people. If I smell the aroma of the incense I know for sure that there is a temple just close around me. I can smell them too often.

This is the graveyard  close to my house. It is a really huge one I've ever seen. It so beautiful to look at. I believe those bodies lie in here are the victims of the Kobe earthquake back in 1995. Across this graveyard is a shrine where the names of the victims are engraved in a marble.

This place is too way too nice. I could only see this little town in a book where everything is in place according to the authors preference.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

On the Road: Vibrant Vigan

Spanish regime in the Philippines have retained vast impact on its history, culture, current lifestyle and most importantly, through our veins. But, before we dig into that huge topic, let me tell you, we're not going to talk about those unfortunate battles and wars years and years ago, we're going to talk about what beauty it has given to us.

I have heard from my friends and from social media how beautiful Vigan is. I also have seen pictures and did some research about the place and oh boy, I wish I read a lot of history books! It is deemed as a world heritage by UNESCO which is pretty cool. I've always wanted to go but for some reasons I don't know why I didn't manage to go. Recently, my sister and I have been able to go. After a long and tiresome 8 hours on Partas bus from Dau bus station, we were able to arrive safely to this wonderful city.

We then hit the road around the city riding on this Calesa as if we didn't travel for 8 hours. We paid 150 pesos per hour which is pretty cheap. It was refreshing. I was amazed that motorbike riders doesn't use helmets! It bothered me so I asked the calesa driver. I later knew that they run on very slow speed so there's no need of helmets. really?

This is the main street called Calle Crisologo. This is some 250 meters long cobbled street dated back 1500. This is the spot where people hangout because of its well preserved buildings giving it that picturesque view.

On this street we had some good empanadas which this city is known for aside from bagnet- a marinated deep fried meat. This little restaurant is a lone empanaderia along that street and is very well visited by tourists and locals. They have wide menu of empanadas. I tried beef empanada dipped in a garlic, onion and red chili vinegar, it tasted just as good to keep you wanting more.

After a little snack we head back to our hotel which is about 400 meters away from Calle Crisologo. It was night time so we took a tricycle for only 20 pesos. As you can see we stayed at the Metro Vigan Regency Hotel which I booked through Just like most of the hotels I and my friends book with them, I had a good deal with it. They have an excellent 24/7 customer support making them one of the most trusted and reliable site you can find online. 

The next morning we went to this place called Hidden Garden. It is indeed hidden because it's far from the whole city. It was far but it didn't seem like it. People were so nice and greets you on the way. The weather was so perfect, the wind was so cool. I figured out that Vigan is surrounded by mountains.

This is the entrance of the hidden garden. Inside this is obviously a garden hehehe.. a beautiful one though. It was all decorated with holiday lanterns of different colors. There are also lots of nipa huts to rest at. Along the way are pictures of the food on their menu and drinks from the bar. All of them 
looked so good especially when you're hungry strolling around the garden.

This is the restaurant called Lilong and Lilang which means Grandfather and Grandmother's restaurant where they serve their very own bagnet- a marinated deep fried meat. It's quite delicious and it can be mixed into other dishes like pinakbet- or mixed vegetables. With some plain rice and a cold drink of coconut shake, we had some really good and filling Filipino lunch.

After our lunch we head back to roam around  the town. This is the Bell Tower built in 1591. This tower was seen in many Filipino movies and teleseries like Kampanerang Kuba. We also visited the church, the house of Father Crisologo turned in a museam and the park where Gabriella Silang was put to death :-( I know it's sad. Went some souvenirs shopping too and the rest of the time was spent on taking some nice pictures.

Vases: colors edited by me :-)
This City is also known for pottery. Here you can enjoy making your own clay pots and vases for a reasonable price.
Christmas decorations

My sister hand washing from a very nice faucet :-D

On a Friday night at Calle Crisologo.
This city has more to see and much more to offer but we had limited time. Vigan is definitely a place worth a visit. It's time to head back home not looking forward to the long trip ahead because we had but a good memory and we had lots of fun!

On the Road: Fall for Niagara Falls

Part of my journey to Canada was visiting one of the wonders of the world, the Niagara Falls. I'm not exactly into falls but this one has captivated my eyes as well as millions of people in the world. This surely is one of the best of our mother nature and seeing this masterpiece right before my eyes is pretty amazing.

This the US side of the Niagara Falls. This one is a little smaller than the one on Canadian side which is called the Horseshoe. The bridge you see on the above picture is called the rainbow bridge that connects Canada and the United States of America.

The day we arrived was spent mainly on this beauty. We went to ride the Maid of the Mist to that ragging falls enough to take ones life. Everyone has to wear a blue raincoat as it was quite a ride. I felt like it was an apocalypse, the current so strong no wonder why many people have lost their lives in just a matter of missing one grip.

It is amazing to see a double rainbow. I didn't see any gold but I guess that water is the Gold!
Here's another good shot of this beauty and it left me speechless!

 The town a pretty nice too. Lot's of tourists, people go here and there. Shopping, dining, strolling, savoring the sight and most importantly, having fun!

I'm sure there's a lot more fun this place has to offer for me that I will take with me where ever I go even it's hard to say good bye it has to be done and seek more wonders of the world.

Oji park, Tokyo..the blossom of the cherry blossoms

I went to see the cherry blossom at Oji park few days ago. Oji is one train stop from where I live which is in Higashi-Jujo. You can also reach the place on foot or by bicycle if you wish and depending on your fitness. Going by train is the easiest way.

It was awesome. Trees were all covered with pink and white flowers. It amazed me so much as it is something that I've never seen before. All flowers were in bloom. Spring has already sprung.
This the  elevator you can use to go up the mountain where the park is. You can also take the stairs to see the view on the other side of the mountain. People especially elderly were lined up at the bottom to take the train up to the mountain. We had rather climbed up the stairs than to fall in cue and wait for a long time.

At the top of the mountain is a huge ground with stage where people can perform. Although I was late to see the performance of the group of men and women dressed up with their traditional clothes called Yukata or Kimono, I was glad to see some people perform like this guy doing tricks and circus below. And some balloon making show.

A young man performing some tricks..funny when he misses something.:-)

It seems like I love this country more and more each day. It just gets better and better everyday despite of the tragedy that the is country is currently struggling with. I admire the people who handles everything with absolute discipline.

It 's so peaceful regardless of  hundreds people around the area. No bad incidents happened or anything. They're just purely enjoying the sight. The flowers, the people walking around, lying down, kids playing, the funny performers, comedy shows, circus and the echoes of laughter. it was just pleasing to the eye.

Cops were scattered all around the place. They laugh..they smile. I think I've never seen a cop smiling like they do. They are basically respectful cops.

On that day, Sunday, the park was packed with people. People brought mats to set and lie on the ground while staring up the sky covered with flowers. they've got food and drinks and some of them brought stove with them so they can cook. I guess they were there all day. They were all scattered on the ground. chatting and having fun.

While Domino's pizza crew were all hanging around trying to sell some pizzas. I tried to catch one to buy the pizza the guy was holding but it was for somebody who ordered it. The poor guy was looking around trying to find the owner in the middle of hundreds of people. He was looking  funny for me thinking how do he suppose to find this dude. But few minutes later they found each other, made the payment and bowed for so many times!

 I think I was a little bit late to see the view but wasn't too late to see the sunset. I think the sun went down too soon or I just didn't notice it. The temperature started to fall too and I was beginning to chill. The view was awesome. With a beer bought from the nearby pub in my hand I stayed a little bit longer. it kept me a little bit warm and comfortable, The view was magnificent!

Some group stayed later.. Many of them were drunk that they can't even walk without somebody guiding them  nor stand alone by themselves but unbelievably there was no fighting or any glitch.

More people were leaving gradually folding up their mats..gathered all their belongings and left without a trash! Incredible. That's one thing about Japan that I love.

Shinsaibashi Shopping Street, Osaka

Shinsaibashi Shopping Street in Osaka is a long covered and tiled street with more than 500 shops along the street. It is a 3 train rides away from my house. We took the train to Shukugawa, hop to another that goes to Umeda and from Umeda to Tenma. The transportation is quiet complicated but you can always ask some people where the right way is and they will be willing to help. Train station is Osaka is huge but you can't get lost.

 Restaurants, clothing, shoes, jewelries, gaming and gambling, bars..everything is in this long shaded street where you can shop and have some fun all year round. Along this side is the Dominos pizza joint offering all you can choices of their pizzas and other dishes. they also have all you can drink for 1 hour for 1 thousand yen! Now don't get that tummy big! I wonder how much Japanese diet is evolving. They do have the healthiest food but this one is just a mean cholesterol in you body.

  This spot is a bridge connecting two huge towns is where mostly visitors take some pictures because of it's great view especially at night.

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