Mount Nokogiri is located in Hama-Kanaya which is about 40 minutes away from Kisarazu, Chiba. It's a popular place to go hiking among Japanese locals. Japanese people especially elder men and women go togehter in groups. They usually go on Sataurday mornings which makes trains crowded. I don't know why but they are probably belong to some elder organization. It is fun to watch them cramming on the train and also climb the mountain togather.
To get to the mountain faster, you can either get on the cable car or
simply climb it after all that's what mountain climbing is for. LOL. But
I was right going on the cable car for 500 yen because the whole course of the
mountain is huge I was already struggling on the quarter half of the climb. Maybe I wasn't that fit. Sigh...
These rice cakes are too tempting not to have a taste. It has different kinds of flavors. The pink ones being the Sakura or Cherry blossoms, the purple ones are yam and the white ones are the normal ones. stuck around the fire to keep it warm. For those rice cakes lovers, these are some tasty delight found at the cable car station for 500 yen.
This is the first look-out I went to. The view from the point is amazing. From here you can the view of Tateyama and nearby cities. Coming up here early in the morning or in the afternoon to see the sunset would be really fantastic. I was not that blessed to see the sun that day but the view was still quite astonishing.
They somehow put a hole in the middle of a huge mountain to have this round room for this huge Buddha is engraved on the stones. It's serene and a perfect place to meditate and talk to the Gods.I wonder how long did it take for them to dig this entire hole out?
The up to the other lookout I climb. There plenty of climbers. I noticed one lady on her high heeled shoes? How come? I guess it's none of my business. But seriously? But anyways, can see How high that mountain is and how high they dug that hole up?
Here's another lookout. It's kind of scary. People take turns going right to the tip for a snap. Only one or two persons are allowed as it might cause that rock to crack up. The thought of that, oh boy, I'm a pretty brave woman but this height really makes me shiver. But you gotta ignore that weak side of yours specially when you're in front of this God given nature. I could spend all day here.
Good Lord, how beautiful this sight is. If you are going to propose to your girlfriend or to your boyfriend (why not) this is so much a romantic place. Don't let your GF climb with her stilettos though. That might cause you carrying her up through the steep stairs. Ah Mother Nature, you're so beautiful, it's so sad lots people doesn't see your importance at all.
It was time for me to head down and get on walking. Along the trail are plenty of Buddha statue. Some are very interesting I wish I could read Japanese so I'll know who they are.
Along the trail are also trees, almost untouched by human hand.
Both these two ladies in the picture was wondering what I was doing in the ravine. oppss..They didn't know I wanted to take someone a phone. This is the problem when roaming around alone! I think I should write about going around alone too. Sigh... I believe that would be sad. But hey, let's go back to what I'm talking about. This mountain. Yes, this mountain is absolutely fantastic and I wasn't surprised to see other foreigners around. it goes to show that this beautiful mountain is popular. I had one of them to take a good picture of me.
This a huge Buddha. Really huge one. Of course people do their rituals, just like any other religions there is. I am a Catholic but to be honest I also pray on them. I believe that there is God and whatever or to whomever we offer our prayers to, it only goes to the same God. hmmm Let's see, we're not really talking about religion here, are we?
If there are big Buddhas, they're are also small ones. And they're many they're so cute to look at scattered around in a shrine. I believe these little Buddhas can be purchased at the shop to honor the Gods. But whatever they truly means, they're certainly beautiful to look at.
Here's another look of a Japanese temple. They're basically everywhere and they always amaze me. they're always of the same design and looks. I Japan has the most Shrine and temples in the world. Well maybe I'm wrong, but believe me, they're everywhere even in the busiest area in the middle of the city.
This little pond here is way in the corner of the mountain. This place is not so popular among the hikers. I could tell that this little haven have not been visited by many visitors. It was already dusk and with the untrimmed trees and ravines and the dark water of the pond was kind of creepy. So I head back to the trail then I came up to another shrine and a gate! The gate is near to the next station called Hota. Oh boy, I walked too far! Heading back to where I took the cable car, it was a climb, a really good and hard climb. When I ask the guy at the gate if it was the right one, he gave me a can of warm coffee! That was unusual. I think he just rarely speak to a foreigner haha. that's why. Over all, my trip was nice. I had a great time and a very good exercise!