Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Oji park, Tokyo..the blossom of the cherry blossoms

I went to see the cherry blossom at Oji park few days ago. Oji is one train stop from where I live which is in Higashi-Jujo. You can also reach the place on foot or by bicycle if you wish and depending on your fitness. Going by train is the easiest way.

It was awesome. Trees were all covered with pink and white flowers. It amazed me so much as it is something that I've never seen before. All flowers were in bloom. Spring has already sprung.
This the  elevator you can use to go up the mountain where the park is. You can also take the stairs to see the view on the other side of the mountain. People especially elderly were lined up at the bottom to take the train up to the mountain. We had rather climbed up the stairs than to fall in cue and wait for a long time.

At the top of the mountain is a huge ground with stage where people can perform. Although I was late to see the performance of the group of men and women dressed up with their traditional clothes called Yukata or Kimono, I was glad to see some people perform like this guy doing tricks and circus below. And some balloon making show.

A young man performing some tricks..funny when he misses something.:-)

It seems like I love this country more and more each day. It just gets better and better everyday despite of the tragedy that the is country is currently struggling with. I admire the people who handles everything with absolute discipline.

It 's so peaceful regardless of  hundreds people around the area. No bad incidents happened or anything. They're just purely enjoying the sight. The flowers, the people walking around, lying down, kids playing, the funny performers, comedy shows, circus and the echoes of laughter. it was just pleasing to the eye.

Cops were scattered all around the place. They laugh..they smile. I think I've never seen a cop smiling like they do. They are basically respectful cops.

On that day, Sunday, the park was packed with people. People brought mats to set and lie on the ground while staring up the sky covered with flowers. they've got food and drinks and some of them brought stove with them so they can cook. I guess they were there all day. They were all scattered on the ground. chatting and having fun.

While Domino's pizza crew were all hanging around trying to sell some pizzas. I tried to catch one to buy the pizza the guy was holding but it was for somebody who ordered it. The poor guy was looking around trying to find the owner in the middle of hundreds of people. He was looking  funny for me thinking how do he suppose to find this dude. But few minutes later they found each other, made the payment and bowed for so many times!

 I think I was a little bit late to see the view but wasn't too late to see the sunset. I think the sun went down too soon or I just didn't notice it. The temperature started to fall too and I was beginning to chill. The view was awesome. With a beer bought from the nearby pub in my hand I stayed a little bit longer. it kept me a little bit warm and comfortable, The view was magnificent!

Some group stayed later.. Many of them were drunk that they can't even walk without somebody guiding them  nor stand alone by themselves but unbelievably there was no fighting or any glitch.

More people were leaving gradually folding up their mats..gathered all their belongings and left without a trace...no trash! Incredible. That's one thing about Japan that I love.

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