Saturday, August 16, 2014

The Show

Wriggling my way to the best spot I could occupy. Under the heat of the middle of summer time. Roads are closed, blocked by thousands of spectators coming from various nearby places. Policemen are widely scattered almost every two meters apart along this 1 kilometer main road and more in every narrow and dark streets around the area full of highly spirited people.

Along the streets are street food stands, gaming booths etc. lined up perfectly. Beers are everywhere too. There are shows in every corner, even a trained monkey, singers, carnival performers, dancers, comedians so are cameras from major TV networks. Alternating English and Japanese songs are in the background in lieu of the hosts constantly talking about advertisements.

There were too much to see had I not worry about the spot I wanted to be at. Finally I came just in time. Still not too many people. Making my long sundress as a mat, I sat on the best possible spot I could be, stretching out my wary legs from walking around and taking pictures for my personal record of day two of two day annual event. I sit under the sun and burnt some more skin from swimming for a whole straight week. It drew tan lines along my shoulders of my sleeveless dress. Sun kissed skin feels good. Life springs from unflattering cold winter days during summer.

I gazed at people slowly swarming filling in every empty spot as the sun sit. I hear some uncontrollably screaming children not far away. Finally, a parent decided to leave before the show even started out of probable embarrassment making children cry to see what they were there originally for. Quietly, people of their kimonos and yukatas are swamping while the sun is hiding out of sight in the far away horizon of Tokyo bay and Mount Fuji.

Hotels, shops and boats are all lighted up. Huge street aid lights are lighted facing away from the marina. Thousands of anxious spectators are all gathered around the dim lighted marina staring at the little island in the middle bridged by a huge bridge seemingly holding up the gorgeous sun at some point of the afternoon.

I smell mouth watering barbeque nearby as I feel the warmth of the sea breeze gently tapping on my skin. The soft wind annoyingly kept messing up my safely pinned short hair I constantly waved backwards with my pinky fingers. My hands are busy with my camera trying to take good pictures of the pleasing scene.

The dark has arrived, this huge place is packed. Astonished as I raised my hands to take some more pictures when suddenly there was a huge blast startling everyone with cheer and enjoyment. The show has begun. Blast after blasts. Scream after scream. Up in the skies are colorful, came in different sizes, animated various shapes sending relentless joy to anyone present. Flash after flashes. Gusts after gusts. People couldn't get enough. One and half hour seemed like a minute. It was so beautiful time was unnoticed. But, the show must soon come to an end. The climax was the best that made everyone die for more.

I sat there for sometime while I wait for the huge raging people to ease wading out and go about their night. I wonder and always wonder if they could make it for a longer period of time. I settled to get up few minutes later. I take more pictures of people-hurrying, relaxing, taking the night easy. Vendors are shouting of a much discounted prices of their products hoping of more profits before the night goes out. Much orderly, like school of fish heading through one direction whether to or fro while hearing the announcement of lost children or maybe parent? I do not know.

I see remnants of the event - rubbish of plastics, papers, cans, bottles and many more at some specific areas as they swirl like a tiny tornado. Not far away are dump trucks in the middle of the street where cleaners will make sure garbage are out of sigh next morning. 

I wade back home with the smile on my face hearing people chattering, laughing, drinking by the streets to their hearts content. I still hear the sound outside from the fourth floor of the building. I slid my windows aside to see more of the people also happy with the must awaited yearly show.

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