Saturday, January 16, 2016

The Irony

It has been a while since I've been here.  My duties have increased exponentially to even point my mouse pointer on this even though this is just a click away from my tab bar. I've been planning on moving this whole content to my new website but I decided to keep all these here.

I finally had a day to brave myself to come here to see how this page still looks like. It's still the same but I feel there's been a lot missing. I can only regret what I haven't done for the past few months. I made a mistake of not giving a time to write a little bit about what is happening on my side.

Trying to balance my work life, social, personal and family life is a difficult battle. I recently have been feeling maxed out of energy and patience that tends me to completely shutdown and go on with my daily routine like a zombie. It gets boring.

I don't know what brought me here but more or less, I want to leash out what's eating me even though there's a heartbreaking 0.99 percentage of those who concern me will ever read this. I don't know if I'm feeling down..maybe mellow is the right word. I realize I can peak my brains however little to do something to relax a little bit.

I went to Bali, Indonesia for Christmas and New Years. It was a good holiday-not over the top but a  nice one. No drama except for some money exchange people who tried to rip us off and a couple of bartenders who dared to cheat right in front of my brown face. Other than that, it was pleasant.

Coming home and going back to work the next day was a pain in the butt. I'm so happy to just be able to relax, fire up my computer and tell everyone the merriment of not going to work and the sickness I endure when I go to work which actually earns me yens to fund my holidays. The irony.

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