Monday, June 9, 2014

Whirlwind week

I finally have myself back together. I thought I have been working insanely this week. So here's the lowdown. I had this hideously long meeting in the middle of the week. After that so called 'drink' with friends after the meeting it  became plural and not only one more. We got carried away with this drinking game that nobody cared about because everyone want to get drunk anyway. I think it is only effective if everyone didn't want to get drunk therefore you can see the competition and excitement. I can't wait to try this with my other group of friends or maybe with my family one day. :-D Yo, yo lady, don't teach your siblings how to love alcohol.

 Anyways, after that few drinks, (FEW I repeat) at our colleague's flat, who would have thought that we all be going to this all you can eat and drink place nearby? Ya ya. Why didn't we even do that the first time?  Certainly it was an unplanned sequence of incidence. After that long nonstop conversation with various topics that made no sense that night, we were all drunk. I couldn't exactly recall how much wine and beers and cocktails have been splattered and spilled all over this Japanese type table setting. Thank heavens we were in a private table barred with doors and some tatami curtains. Do they call them tatami curtains? I don't know. We only had socks on so goodness we had all beverages underneath wiped up by our own character socks. Ew. At this point no one cares about anything but the drinks on the table. Neither we did with food. Now this place had to close soon and our last order was taken. Abandon ship now. Ah!! I don't even remember paying for it but I guess I did.

Ah the dampness of the weather, outside was chilly and nice. Actually no one bothered about the temperature. We all went to this karaoke place.  I thought I was going to catch the last train? But I wasn't able to do so. I don't how didn't I make it. I probably have been talking a lot. That serves me right. Sometimes my talkativeness knows no bounds. And so, we went over to this Karaoke place. We were ushered by this old man to this dark, black room. Extremely dark I barely see anyone's face haha. I busied myself putting up songs from this wireless pad. This magic pad can also be used to order goodies available straight from the private room. By the mean time, people are singing, laughing with all the silly things, some are on the floor and some declared royalties with the seats as their beds. Yo, wake up it's only 1pm. The two hours have gone by so fast. Throats got scratches trying to belt those impossible notes. Now we gotta decide where to crash for the night. Of course it's going to be at our friends.

In the middle of the night we rushed out. I'm so glad no one in our group smokes because being in that box for two hours would not last me that long. Singing as we all dashed through the night towards the awaiting chaos of sleeping arrangement. By this time a futon and a pillow is enough. The weather was perfect so no air-con was needed. We all went to bed saying that new pet word of denki pot in such a really funny if not horrible way every Japanese would imagine.

It's bright outside. Of course it's morning and we are still on earth. Waking up if anyone is up for Disney land which was the first plan. They thought I was being funny. Now it's gone out the window. At that point we are expecting our friend to be on his smoking nose because we cancelled it early in the morning. We're never going the see the end of it.

Now I gotta find my way home with this excruciating headache. I promise not to drink like this again. It's fun tough so probably I'd do it again. haha. After bidding farewells to some half awake drunken pumpkins I embraced this beautiful sunny morning with unwashed and unmade face. Just like that. I haven't done this in so long and this still thrills me.

My feet walked me to the nearest McDonald. How I hate fast food now I'm here waiting for this breakfast muffins and a cup of coffee to get me through this 1 hour long trip home. I have to plan what's going to be done this day off work. First, I have to get home to take a relaxing bath and sleep. then sleep a little bit more it came down to sleeping the day away until 8 o'clock in the evening. How productive.

Of course, nothing last forever. Might ass well live the life to the extent. I just spelt as improperly. haha I'm not going to correct it by the way. It's a 5 hour work day. Sometimes work isn't nice. Hellish 1 hour made my day rain hail instead of that nice little showers that is most probably from China. Seriously, their pollution goes everywhere now just like their products ahhh don't even get me started.

I finished my week with such a horrible weather. I used to love rainy days when I was a kid, but when I became actually an adult who goes to work, I hated it. And boy does it have to go till my day off work? It gets me imprisoned in my art gallery for the whole day and it cannot be taken by me. 

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