Saturday, September 6, 2014


This little blue shed is a waiting area at a remote train station. Not very busy isn't it? This is one of those lonely stations you can pass by in the suburbs. So peaceful. A total opposite from the chaos of Tokyo station. Trains comes once an hour but there you have a nice blue waiting shed. Make sure you always have something to read or play with. If not, you can play in the rice paddies juuust right behind this little shed. hahaha

Straight ahead it says. Should the post be straight too? I'm in the middle of nowhere I'd love to see some signs and directions preferably in English if not Tagalog if you have it. This is the so called Liko-liko street.
 This two pictures should not be separated. You know why? Even in the farthest most isolated  area in Japan, you'll find vending machines like this one and they always come with trash cans! ALWAYS! How cool is that? I wish everywhere could be like this.

Japanese, call them cleanliness freaks. But wait the bin looks dirty. I wonder why. I let you solve the mystery behind dirty bins. Good luck.

 A tied up ribbon hanging on an extension switch so I can grab it easily especially at night when it's dark. It looks like a spider at night so does it feels. Sometimes it's frightening.

All blue colored gardening stuff lined up in front of the classrooms at an Elementary school. I think the schools color is blue. Is the school principal guy too?

 I have hangers for stuff like this. Jeans, coats etc.. but it's been a habit hanging my jean on a door knob. You don't wanna know when was the last time I washed it. LOL. Hey, this is my favorite favorite jegging! You don't wash them often so they last longer. I swear.

 And oh look. How do you suppose to hold your mouse? I hold mine on my left hand. Call it weird. I only care about my nail polish.

A pack of my favorite blueberry cookies. They're delicious but I have to cut back on sugar. I hate the internet for making me constantly conscious about my diet.

Lovely combination of colors of the pet bottles ready to dump. Note: they're in different color of plastic bags designated by the city. They should be in the correct bags otherwise it won't be picked up. More job for the old land lady.


  1. Hi :) Thanks for giving a short tour in Japan. I like it as I like the way you hold you're mouse. Hahaha :D Take care.


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