Sunday, September 7, 2014

My love of Orange

Why do I love orange? Because it's one of summer's hot colors. Let's skip Halloween here for now. haha

This picture on the left was taken summer time few years ago at a beach called Hojoh/ Hojou in Tateyama. I still find this beautiful. I feel like I'm still in that beach.

This summer I bring you a Kitty parasol and grandpa. I'm sure it's the last thing to worry about when you are babysitting four grandchildren swimming hungrily in the sea. Make glasses are on!

This sight of  "cute things" is not new to Japan. You can see seniors rocking those cute little characters around. You can be the weirdest looking person on the planet but no one is going to bother to stare at you. One of the little things I love about this country. Your business is not mine.

This is the train station in Tateyama. It is on the street called the Orange street. From the name itself almost all houses and buildings has hints of orange in them. How cool isn't it?

A little Izakaya beside this beauty parlor. I could just drink sake all night then go next door, relax and restore my beauty back. I'm pretty sure it's owned by the same person, you know, sales tactics. Not to mention this is near the beach ah, they'd be making some cash  or maybe not. It looks like it's about to close and no one inside. Wait, this story could go on forever.
I love the combination of white and orange. These lovely street lights are scattered everywhere in this little camping, swimming and fishing village called Tomiura. This village just recently been merged to a city called Minamiboso located south of Tokyo bay facing the pacific ocean. Hold on...hold on.. this is geography.
See that little orange tent right there? The color stands out among many other tents. It's beautiful to see people relaxing all day. Go about fun things out like boating or swimming with their loved ones then return to their respective tents. Eat barbeque and grilled fish. Drink beer, play guitar and sing and chat around the bonfire. I always love outdoor activities specially in the summer.
Yes we need funky colored dump trucks to collect carefully segregated trash around this little village. Me thinks it's new or rarely been used. see how clean this place is or this country generally. The driver has the easiest job there is!
 I thought this was orange! but oh well, it's already here and besides it's really beautiful! They turn into orange at some point of their life time. They're tiny sunflowers, almost like a daisy. You can only identify them by their leaves. I remember planting these with my elder sister. They're absolutely beautiful flowers.

This hibiscus does not look orange too, just a little. Does it look like peach? It does eh? I used to play with them with I was young. I take all the petals leaving the ovary and the style then stick it onto my ears so that it looks like earrings. ;-D I certainly do have good memories with flowers.

This is a local festival called yassai mossai. People in groups dances through the night. Each group are judged by their costume and their dance moves. Although they have a set dance steps and music they could show off by making their own free style. The more lively your group is, the more chances of winning! This festival is the way of thanksgiving of the local businesses. They'll dance around carrying the name of their business. This is a two day annual festival which thousands of people patronize.

This is how the festival day looks like and it's only in the morning! How about in the afternoon or at night?! Picture it by clicking and reading the show!

How may fish can you see?Some goldfish at a nearby shrine. They're huge! I wonder how old these fish are! Are they edible? They certainly look like my favorite fish back in the island! I miss my father now.

I warn the shrine people around here, you know where they're going when they start to decrease in numbers! It's called easy catch.
The taste of the tropical paradise. This is probably where orange caught my eye because it loves whatever orange!

This is a wild flower back in my island but here in Japan this is a precious garden flowering plant.

 Here's my lovely niece Kathleen in Zoocobia sliding all the way down after she was persuaded by her four year old younger  brother. She then wanted to do it again and again! As they say, you won't get hurt because it's only downward. Just don't hit the ground hard. It was a lot of fun! Not so my pocket!

The sun has down and these surfers in an orange car are done for the day. At home waiting is a nice bottle of sake! Living the summer because it only stay for two months a year!

Not all old and rusty things are ugly. In everything lies beauty. This unpainted house is one of those old houses along the street. I guess this is for sale. Who would buy it is the big question, unless, it's half price.One piece of advice, DO NOT pay full price!

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