Monday, July 6, 2015

The Sign

It was one of the days I come home early in the afternoon. Coming home at past 6 pm has been early to me since I have taken a new job. Usually not being able to see and admire the day looking at this beautiful sunset has made me think I have not done such a thing for almost eight months.

My train home is cramped as a train in Tokyo. Long ride and crowded like canned sardines. Standing position I can barely see the outside panic of rush hour afternoon and the smoke coming out from the factories.

I was mesmerized by this beauty it took my weariness away from a long day of working. I stood in front of the station astonished and wished I had my DSLR camera to take more photos and rush to the port side to get a better view.

This beautiful sunset had me thinking that this could be negated by hours or days of bad weather or even a calamity. I am being superstitious. Knock on the wood to the latter.

With my extremely busy working schedule makes me appreciate things that I used to ignore. I guess that's what life is. You don't realize you have all these things until you don't have them. Istill haven't  lose the opportunity and I am bound to not take simple things for granted because these simple things worth more than anything I can get with huge monetary equivalent. 

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