It was one of those nights along an unfamiliar street when she decided to distribute guitars to many young students with the help of her loving husband and a friend. She saw their faces light up with glee. How could these people suddenly give out such beautiful presents. It was such a nice act.
The night has fallen, she thought she might go home but she found herself alone on the train track. There was no one else but a pile of military camouflage bags occupying huge space near the tracks. Shouldn't soldiers be carrying their things with them rather than shipping them? She did not understand.
Soon the train arrived and hopped in. On the train sitting beside her was a young girl who recognized her giving out guitars. They were so pleased and exchanged with her beautiful smiles--smiles of fondness and gratitude.
She didn't quite remember how she ended up sitting on a huge hip high tree trunk looking at the horizon. It was a magical afternoon when the light and the dark are meeting. Moment later she was surrounded by beautiful boys and girls most of them carrying buckets and vases to fetch some water from the adjacent well.
Her job was a teacher. That day the school board has decided to conduct an event that would require all the children to stay at school one night. The event was fuzzy to her and all she was about was the enjoyment of the children being at school all night. Wouldn't that be fun? She made sure all of her students' parents are notified..
During lunch time the big common room was empty. All children are suppose to be there for lunch. How can some five hundred students be left unseen any where. Something fishy was going on. There was only one teacher sitting in front of her untouched lunch and all the rest of the tables were only wet towels, chopsticks, spoon and forks all laid out meal ready. She told this teacher to right go on ahead with her lunch.
The night came when all the kids are going to stay in. Kids were so fond of her. She's lovable and has got so much energy reserved for every child. She put on quite a show.
The same day, this little girl fell off the ground and tore her pants. She had no spare clothes. The only way for her to wear presentable clothes was to cut them and make it short above the knee. In other words, a short pants. The other halves was cut into many sections around looking like a rag. She entertained everyone by acting of swallowing it to make her pregnant then pretend to vomit it up and make silly faces. It was very silly and highly noneducational but hey, she did it out of the live cameras' sight.
All the laughter was gone abruptly when the slash of the wooden sliding doors echoed and banged harshly on their jambs. It was frightening. And it was the master. Even more frightening. All of them teachers and students had their eyes wide opened when all the lights come to life and realize it's time to be serious and let the night away from home be silly and seriously fun until the night is over and it's snooze time.
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