Thursday, May 8, 2014

Here Comes Work Day

Here comes the end of my 7 day vacay. This means back to the real world of work :-D I love what I do but it certainly nice to just hang around in my PJs and relax while chatting to my siblings and friends.

So here's my low down of my loong week holiday. I started off with just messing around facebook. I didn't know I would spend so much time on it the rest of my long rest day. I went to my supervisor's baby shower party which was amazing. I got to taste a real Kenyan and Tanzanian food and most of all I got to meet new friends. The world is too small, I was surprised to see one of my acquintance whom I went to a job training with in Nagoya three years ago. Turned out that her and my supervisor went to the same University. I also meet the most happy and friendly boy in the world.  It was pretty amazing and I enjoyed a lot.

I head down to Tokyo to meet my husband at the Cinco the Mayo festival. It was pretty late when I arrive but Oh well, I managed to show up. The night went nicely. A taxi from Yoyogi park  to Kita is a pretty long ride and expensive. I wish we thought about taking the train, not only it'll take few minutes but also resonably priced.

I spend the whole night waiting for the ice hockey playoffs match of  the Montreal Canadiens and Boston Bruins. I waited and waited till 1:30am just to find out that it won't start till 2:30. Totally messed with the time. But anyways, I ended up snoring. I turned my alarm on but my head was sleepy I could barely open my eyes. Early in the morning I found out that my team lost at 8 remaining minutes. I was mad.

After a lot of discussions and critiquing, we headed down to the a Filipino store where we had the taste of San Mig light and enjoy other Filipino goodies all afternoon. Outside we drank to our content under the spring sun rays. It was good all in all. We headed back to Chiba that night to our relaxing almost furnished apartment near Tokyo bay.

Lovely, lovely. I spent most of the time talking, chatting and cooking Filipino food I recently bought from Tokyo. I spent a lot of time immaturely bicker about nonsense gossip about me on Facebook. Opppss. The winner...... has to be determined, yet.

Over all, it was a pretty good week. I got to excersie my brain power and drain my brain comprehending people. I look at it in a good way. I don't get to deal with people like that everydayso I took a chance. Haha

I am writing this in the cozy atmosphere of my kitchen with a cup of coffee next to me still in pajamas because I don't work until 6PM for 4 hours compensated for 8 long hours of work. I love my life.

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