Saturday, May 24, 2014

The Best Ingredient

I am feeling chirpy tonight rather than banal to mention that I just came from a good 6 hours of teaching. Being happy requires a lot of meticulously selected ingredients grown with love, passion and tenderness over time-or maybe not.

As I crack up my first can of dark beer of the night, I could feel the joy in my heart as that bitter taste flourishes my taste buds sending awesome sensation to my athirst pharynx. How content can a content person be? It's indescribable and that's how I am feeling today. Nope, beer does not make me content, it's just one of many flavors icings of that huge chocolate cake I tirelessly made effort to bring the best of who I am.

I am always thankful to God of whomever I have become. I will always be thankful of having the most fulfilling profession I am in to touch people's lives and make difference in this world knowing that my students loves me and remembers how fun it was during our last meeting. We always try to recreate but the most recent turns out to be always better than the prior. It is always a fine sight to see them rolling on the floor hilariously laughing teary eyed. It will always be nice to hear them not noticing the time and wanting to stay in my classroom and study more. How awesome is that? The stars were aligned for me to take this path out of many walks of life.

Certainly, being content of what you have is the best ever element to make your life ridiculously awesome. You might not have everything but self acceptance and self satisfaction can go a very long way. If you haven't you probably have to ask yourself why and look for it within you.

Life may not be perfect nor us as a  person but we sure can make things around nearly perfect. We all have different perceptions about perfection. We could argue and debate about it endlessly but in the end it only requires all the ingredients expounded in paragraph one.

Would you mind exchanging recipes? What do you think is the best ingredient of a contented life?

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